

Autor:Laue, Mara
Titel:The Kumo Cartell
Titelzusatz:Cotton FBI ; 7
Erschienen:Bastei Lübbe, 2014. - 75 S.
Annotation:John Saito, an American business man of Japanese descent, lies in his penthouse. He was murdered. All he had on was a condom. He had two Asian ciphers scrawled on his forehead which together form theword "kumo", the spider. It seems that the man was killed by some poison during sex games. Saito isnot the first person to be killed in this manner. The G-Team is called upon to help solve the murders. Special Agent Jerry Cotton and Philippa Decker first suspect the Yakuza, or a similar organized crime gang, to be responsible for the killings. However, the true meanings of the homicides go far deeper. The traces lead to a network of dirty business and to a woman who is more dangerous than a spider and deadlier. Mara Laue began writing at the age of twelve. Her first publications were short stories and poetry. Since 2005, she has been writing full-time, mainly working with crime/thriller, science fiction, dark romance, fantasy, as well as poetry and plays.


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