CD (Hörbuch)


Titel:Carte blanche
Beteiligte:Deaver, Jeffery
Interpret:Stephens, Toby
Titelzusatz:the new James Bond novel
Verfasserangabe:Jeffery Deaver. Read by Toby Stephens
Erschienen:Unabridged - London : Hodder & Stoughton Audiobooks, 2011. - 11 CDs (720 Min.)
Preis:25,95 Euro
Standort:Hörbuch Erwachsene
Annotation:'The face of war is changing. The other side doesn't play by the rules much any more. There's thinking, in some circles, that we need to play by a different set of rules too ...' Fresh from Afghanistan, James Bond has been recruited to a new agency. Conceived in the post-9/11 world, it operates independent of Five, Six and the MoD, its very existence deniable. Its aim: to protect the Realm, by any means necessary. The Night Action alert calls Bond from dinner with a beautiful woman. GCHQ has decrypted an electronic whisper about an attack scheduled for later in the week: casualties estimated in the thousands, British interests adversely affected. And 007 has been given carte blanche to do whatever it takes to fulfil his mission.


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