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Baggot, Mandy
One last greek summer
London : Head of Zeus Ltd. , 2019 : 12,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-78954-431-2

Beth ist 31, frisch geschieden und neugierig, was das Leben wohl jetzt zu bieten hat. Ihre Freundin Heidi ist überzeugt, dass die Antwort auf Korfu liegt und bucht kurzerhand einen Urlaub dorthin.

Roman A-Z

Richell, Hannah
The Peacock Summer
London : Orion Books , 2019 : 10,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4091-5223-1

Als Maggie erfährt, dass ihre Großmutter Lillian im Krankenhaus ist, macht sie sich sofort auf den Weg nach England, um sich um das Anwesen und Lillian zu kümmern. Dabei taucht Maggie immer tiefer ...

Roman A-Z

Ahern, Cecilia
London : Fontana , 2019 : 16,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-00-819488-8

When Holly is approached by the PS, I Love You Club, her safe existence is turned on its head. Inspired by her late husband Gerry's letters, the club wants Holly to help them with their own parting...

Roman A-Z

Clinton, Bill:
The President is missing
London : Penguin Books , 2019 : 10,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-78746-018-8

As an unprecedented cyberterrorist attack cripples the United States, the President must face an unthinkable truth: There is a traitor in his Cabinet. His life is in danger. And the only way ...

Roman A-Z

Overton, Hollie
The Runaway
London : Penguin Books , 2019 : 10,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-78746-074-4

Ash, die junge Ausreißerin und Pflegetochter der forensischen Psychologin des LAPD, Becca Ortiz wurde ermordet. Auf der Suche nach dem Täter gerät Becca immer tiefer in die Abgründe der Gesellschaf...

Roman A-Z

Beckett, Simon
The scent of death
London : Hunter Publications Ltd. , 2019 : 12,00 EUR ISBN 978-0-85750-434-0

When a partially mummified corpse is found in the building's cavernous loft, forensics expert Dr David Hunter is called in to take a look. He can't say how long the body's been there, but he is cer...

Roman A-Z

McNamara, Ali
Secrets and Seashells at Rainbow Bay
London : Warner Books , 2019 : 10,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-7515-7432-6

The sun is shining on the golden castle on Rainbow Bay - and change is in the air! Amelia is a single mother, doing her very best to look after her young son, Charlie - but money is tight and times...

Roman A-Z

Gerritsen, Tess
The shape of night
London : Penguin Random House , 2019 : 17,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-78763-165-6

We've all done things we're ashamed of . . . When Ava arrives at Brodie's Watch, she thinks she has found the perfect place to hide from her past. Something terrible happened, something she is d...

Roman A-Z

Lumsden, Richard
The Six Love of Billy Binns
london : Headline Publishing Group , 2019 : 12,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-4722-5672-0

At 117 years old, Billy Binns is the oldest man in Europe and he knows his time is almost up. But Billy has a final wish: he wants to remember what love feels like one last time. As he looks back a...

Roman A-Z

Bernières, Louis de
So much Life left over
London : Vintage , 2019 : 11,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-78470-588-6

As the 1920s dawn, he and his wife Rosie move to a tea plantation in Ceylon with their small daughter to make a fresh start. Yet navigating their new world could test their marriage to its limits.

Roman A-Z


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