
Fremdsprachige Literatur


Autor:Tudor, C. J.
Titel:The burning girls
Einheitssachtitel:The burning girls
Verfasserangabe:C. J. Tudor
Erschienen:First published - London : Michael Joseph, 2021. - 383 Seiten - 24 cm
Preis:18,00 Euro
Standort:Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch Tudo
Annotation:500 years ago: eight martyrs were burnt to death 30 years ago: two teenagers vanished without trace Two months ago: the vicar committed suicide Welcome to Chapel Croft. For Rev Jack Brooks and teenage daughter Flo it's supposed to be a fresh start. New job, new home. But, as Jack knows, the past isn't easily forgotten. And in a close-knit community where the residents seem as proud as they are haunted by Chapel Croft's history, Jack must tread carefully. Ancient superstitions as well as a mistrust of outsiders will be hard to overcome. Yet right away Jack has more frightening concerns. Why is Flo plagued by visions of burning girls? Who's sending them sinister, threatening messages? And why did no one mention that the last vicar killed himself? Chapel Croft's secrets lie deep and Dark as the tomb. Jack wouldn't touch them if not for Flo - anything to protect Flo. But the past is catching up with Chapel Croft - and with Jack. For old ghosts with scores to settle will never rest . . .


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