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Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer (0,21 Sek.).
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Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Joyce, Rachel
The love song of Miss Queenie Hennessy
London [u.a.] : Doubleday , 2014 - 351 S. : Ill. : 16,99 EUR ISBN 978-0-85752-276-4

From the author of the 2 million+ copy, worldwide bestseller, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a n exquisite, funny and heartrending parallel story. When Queenie Hennessy discovers that Harol...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.10.2014

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Healey, Emma
Elizabeth is missing

[how do you solve a mystery when you can't remember the clues?]
London [u.a.] : Viking , 2014 - 274 S. : Ill. : 17,99 EUR ISBN 978-0-241-00351-0

In this darkly riveting debut novel—a sophisticated psychological mystery that is also an heartbreakingly honest meditation on memory, identity, and aging—an elderly woman descending into dementia ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 23.06.2014

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
The target

[featuring government assassin Will Robie ; when revenge gets personal, the stakes get higher ...]
(Will Robie / David Baldacci ; 3)
London [u.a.] : Macmillan , 2014 - 420 p. : 15,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4472-5929-9

A time to kill - or a time to die? The mission is to enter one of the most dangerous countries in the world. The target is one of the toughest to reach. The result could be momentous - or it could ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 24.04.2014
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Will Robie 3

Fremdsprachige Literatur

French, Nicci
Thursday's children

(Frieda Klein / Nicci French ; 4)
London [u.a.] : Joseph , 2014 - 420p. : ill. : 17,99 EUR ISBN 978-0-7181-5700-5

Thursday's Children by Nicci French is the fourth novel in the bestselling Frieda Klein series, following Blue Monday, Tuesday's Gone and Waiting for Wednesday.When psychotherapist Frieda Klein lef...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 11.04.2014
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Fren Frieda Klein 4

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Smith, Tom Rob
The farm
London [u.a.] : Simon & Schuster , 2014 - 353 p. : 16,90 EUR ISBN 978-1-84737-570-4

If you refuse to believe me, I will no longer consider you my son... Daniel believed that his parents were enjoying a peaceful retirement on a remote farm in Sweden, the country of his mother's bir...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.02.2014

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Beckett, Simon
Stone bruises

[you can run, but can you ever really hide?]
London [u.a.] : Bantam Press , 2014 - 317 p. : 17,99 EUR ISBN 978-0-593-07329-2

Sean is on the run in an isolated part of rural France. Desperate to avoid the police, he takes to the hedgerows, only to be caught in the jaws of a trap. Nearly unconscious from loss of blood, he ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.02.2014

Fremdsprachige Literatur


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