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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer (0,24 Sek.).
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Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Franzen, Jonathan

(A Key to All Mythologies / Jonathan Franzen ; 1)
New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux , 2021 - 592 Seiten : 21,00 EUR ISBN 978-0-374-60519-3

It's December 23, 1971, and heavy weather is forecast for Chicago. Russ Hildebrandt, the associate pastor of a liberal suburban church, is on the brink of breaking free of a marriage he finds joyle...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 19.11.2021
Fremdpsrachige Literatur Englisch  Fran A Key to All Mythologies 1

Fremdsprachige Literatur

(bis 29.06.2024)
Gilbert, Elizabeth
City of girls
New York : Riverhead Books , 2019 - 470 Seiten : 15,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-59463-473-4

In 1940, nineteen-year-old Vivian Morris has just been kicked out of Vassar College, owing to her lackluster freshman-year performance. Her affluent parents send her to Manhattan to live with her A...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.06.2019

Fremdsprachige Literatur

(bis 02.07.2024)
Ondaatje, Michael
New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 2018 - 289 Seiten : 18,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-5247-1139-9

In a narrative as beguiling and mysterious as memory itself--shadowed and luminous at once--we read the story of fourteen-year-old Nathaniel, and his older sister, Rachel. In 1945, just after World...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 02.07.2018

Fremdsprachige Literatur

(bis 20.06.2024)
Reichs, Kathy
Two nights

a novel
New York : Bantam Books , 2017 - First edition - 324 Seiten : 19,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-101-96605-1

A standalone thriller featuring a "tough-talking, scarred heroine" from the author of the Temperance Brennan series, the basis for the hit TV show Bones . Meet Sunday Night, a woman with physical a...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.08.2017

Fremdsprachige Literatur

(bis 14.06.2024)
Picoult, Jodi
Small great things

a novel
New York : Ballantine Books , 2016 - Internat. ed - 467 Seiten : 19,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-425-28601-2

Ruth Jefferson is a labor and delivery nurse at a Connecticut hospital with more than twenty years' experience. During her shift, Ruth begins a routine checkup on a newborn, only to be told a few m...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 09.11.2016

Fremdsprachige Literatur

(bis 13.06.2024)

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