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Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer (0,53 Sek.).
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Grisham, John
A time for mercy

(Jake Brigance / John Grisham ; 3)
London : Hodder & Stoughton , 2020 - First published in Great Britain - 464 Seiten : 24,90 EUR ISBN 978-1-5293-4232-1

Deputy Stuart Kofer is a protected man. Though he's turned his drunken rages on his girlfriend, Josie, and her children many times before, the police code of silence has always shielded him. But on...
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Gris Jake Brigance 3

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Grisham, John
Camino winds

(Camino / John Grisham ; 2)
London : Macmillan , 2020 - First published in Great Britain - 292 Seiten : 22,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-5293-4245-1

The hurricane is devastating: homes and condos are levelled, hotels and storefronts ruined, streets flooded, and a dozen people are killed. One of the victims is Nelson Kerr, a friend of Bruce's wh...
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch Gris  Camino 2

Fremdsprachige Literatur


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