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Die Suche ergab 16 Treffer (0,20 Sek.).
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Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Baldacci, David
The target

[featuring government assassin Will Robie ; when revenge gets personal, the stakes get higher ...]
(Will Robie / David Baldacci ; 3)
London [u.a.] : Macmillan , 2014 - 420 p. : 15,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4472-5929-9

A time to kill - or a time to die? The mission is to enter one of the most dangerous countries in the world. The target is one of the toughest to reach. The result could be momentous - or it could ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 24.04.2014
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Will Robie 3

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
Hell's Corner

(Camel Club / David Baldacci ; 5)
New York [u.a.] : Grand Central Publ. , 2011 - 570 p. : 8,55 EUR ISBN 978-1-4555-0169-4

On the night of the State Dinner honouring the British Prime Minister, there is an explosion as the Prime Minister's motorcade leaves the White House. Oliver Stone witnesses the event. A bomb has b...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 21.11.2013
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Camel Club 5

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
The innocent

[a novel ...]
(Will Robie / David Baldacci ; 1)
New York [u.a.] : Grand Central Publ. , 2012 - Internat. trade ed. - 422 S. : 14,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4555-1615-5

America has enemies - ruthless people that the police, the FBI, even the military can't stop. That's when the U.S. government calls on Will Robie, a stone cold hitman who never questions orders and...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.06.2012
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Will Robie 1

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
Split second

(Sean King & Michelle Maxwell / David Baldacci ; 1)
New York [u.a.] : Grand Central Publ. , 2003 - 481 S. ISBN 978-0-446-61445-0

Michelle Maxwell has just wrecked her promising career at the Secret Service. Against her instincts, she let a presidential candidate out of her sight for the briefest moment, and the man whose saf...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 31.03.2011
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 1

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
Deliver us from evil

(Shaw & Katie James / David Baldacci ; 2)
New York [u.a.] : Grand Central Publ. , 2010 - Internat. trade ed. - 406 S. : 16,95 EUR ISBN 978-0-446-56632-2

Evan Waller, outwardly a respectable Canadian businessman but secretly a human trafficker who sells children into prostitution, has expanded into arranging nuclear weapons deals with Islamic fundam...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 28.07.2010
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Shaw & Katie James 2

Fremdsprachige Literatur

Baldacci, David
Stone cold

(Camel Club / David Baldacci ; 3)
London [u.a.] : Pan Books , 2008 - Paperback ed. - 517 S. : 11,90 EUR ISBN 978-0-330-45098-0

The modern-day paladins of the Camel Club are back in their third exciting adventure. Justice-seekers Milton, Caleb, Reuben and honorary member Alex Ford, a Secret Service agent, are led by feisty ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 09.09.2008
Fremdsprachige Literatur Englisch  Bald Camel Club 3

Fremdsprachige Literatur


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